Sand Mining in Bharathapuzha,Photos from Thrissur

Sand Mining in Kerala rivers, a major factor leading to the gradual death of majority of kerala rivers. The photo is taken during the ongoing sand mining process in the bank of Bharathapuzha, the second longest river of Kerala. Infact the river sand has become a rare commodity mainly used in construction  works. The demand is much high and it's leading to uncontrolled illegal and legal sand mining in the rivers here in kerala. Traditionally the sand is filled in canoes or kettuvalloms like this by the divers and loaded into trucks from the river banks.

sand-mining in kerala-rivers,bharathapuzha,nila,second longest river of kerala,kerala-rivers,mining-sand-in-bharathapuzha-river
Trucks getting loaded with sand mined from the Bharathapuzha river. Uncontrolled mining of sand has lead to lowering of watertable in the geographical area and its seen that saline water from the sea is entering into the river in some seasons. Drinking water has to be provided from other sources for the people living around bcoz of early drying of wells as the summer nears. 

Numerous construction of Check dams, Irrigation dams and hydro electric dam projects in the river tributaries have lead to depletion of the river. More than water we may see dry sand banks and grass spreaded on them through the course of this river. uneven pits formed due to the mining works is causing many deaths throughout the year. The unevenness of this river course makes the river stream much violent during monsoons.
Photos by Amit Druvan,CWRDM, Calicut
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  1. sand mining-inte bheekaraavastha public-ine ariyikkaanulla eee sramam abhinandanaarhamaanu

  2. Thanks for sharing such nice information. Kerala is gods own country. They have more natural resources, How can River Sand Price list, and River Sand Suppliers in Bangalore.


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