Test Snaps with a Panasonic Lumix Digi Cam; photos of Flowers,Cute little red fruits,Honey bee, iron fence & maruti suzuki hatch back car Wagnor.

This gallery has the photos snapped with Panasonic Lumix, the 6MP digital camera.Most of the photos are taken as a part of testing the camera performance. The camera proved to be a good performer in the overall rating. Photos are snapped holding the camera in my bare hands with the optical zoom for certain shots, and the image stabilization seemed to work satisfactorily.

The camera is of 6 mega pixels with an optical zoom of 3x. The device boast of Leica lens and hasn't disappointed me, for the performance was up to the mark. Overall the battery life also seemed to last for more than an average digital camera would get.

Even though, we cant handle a digital camera to take snaps as easy as we are doing with the cell phone cameras. If you are enough familiar with the settings of the device to make manual configuration for a shot, no wonder you will make breath taking photos. Its more sophisticated device and needs more attention, care and knowledge for better results.

Of course you can use the auto shooting mode to take pictures, but there are conditions where a manual setting would make great difference.

The camera was only for a few days with me, so i couldn't figure out the whole potential.

Bright Red Fruits in a Thorny Plant, Photographed from Kerala 

bright orange fruits closeup photograph taken with panasonic digital camera"What you noticed first???? The red cute fruits or the thorns behind them..........."

Am sure you noticed the red ones...Its common with all of us humans to always see the beautiful ones without noticing the dangers or thorns behind them..
The plant was seen beside a pond near to my house and catched the attraction of my curious eyes searching for something interesting..The result is before you..

Photo by: Georjo
Focus Mode: Macro

The Spiky Iron Fence, 
iron fence closeup photo taken with digital camera of panasonic lumix"The silent, yet deadly guard in the fence"

Taken from the boundary walls of my house. The atmosphere was not so bright and i wanted to test the camera's focusing capability. You can see that the background of the subject is also similar to its color. Eventhough the camera has done a good job.

Photo By: Georjo
Focus Mode: Macro

Bright Orange Dahlia Flower from Gardens of Kerala
flower closeup photograph taken from home garden,cute orange coloured dalia flower"What do you feel about this cute beautiful slice of the flower,Found it more interesting in this view"

One snap from the experiments done with the flower in my garden. She would have shouted at me for such a long and irritating photo shoot, if she had a mouth. Any way i managed to get some good photos for her memory. By the time of this posting the flower is disappeared in the unevitable state of life cycle, ie Death..For her loving memory let the photo be here..

Photo By: Georjo
Focus Mode: Macro

Honey Bee near Devadaru Flower
honey bee closeup photo from home garden,honeybee trying to get honey from a devadaru flower in home garden"Can you See a Pilot Without a Plane...Trying for a crash landing i think..he is a PIRATE...HONEY PIRATE.The flower will get looted now!"

I was fortunate enough to get the bee captured in the photo.Thanks to the shutter speed of the camera..The bee get frustrated seeing me with the camera, and dashed away from the scene in no time. The leaves are of Devadaru and tiny white flowers under them was the bee's target!

Photo By: Georjo
Focus Mode: Macro

The Car photo snap- Red Maruthi-Suzuki Wagnor LXi
Maruthi Suzuki Waganor,car photograph showing a close snap of the automobile front grill"The Maruti Suzuki Waganor Lxi"

The only angle from which i liked the look of my car!!! My home car.Telling about it.. Nice and comfortable for a home ride.. Strictly not for a sporty rash ride, for the car has a side drift due to its body height if sharp curves are done above 40kmph. Above 110kmph there will be vibration in the steer. Any way depends on the road, if the lane is good enough you may drive over that!Here in Kerala its not easy to find one.

Photo By: Georjo
Focus Mode: Auto

Thanx for stopping by..Keep visiting.. Will show up with something new for you soon....

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  1. nice shot, thanks for visiting..

  2. it's gud..i like d fence's.

  3. that fruit you took a pic of, do you know the name of it?


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