Sunset Photographs.Images of Evening horizon,Cloudy sunset,Sky after sunset,Golden Clouds in the sunset,.Photos with Panasonic Lumix Digital cameras

Sunset Photography by my brother taken from his hostel window.Yea his hostel and college at the top of a hill and you can see the valley down there.Oh sorry its a little dark there.. The photos are Magnificent or not...the decision is upto you photography lovers..Of course i will consider it as a sunset scenery.

The photographs shows the gradual sunset till the sun is dissapeared leaving the orange tint in the sky...

sunset sceneries in horizon with clouds photographed"Hmm the sun and clouds saying Goodbye...Not over...Cu Tomorrow too."

The yellowish sunset made gorgeous with the presence of that the group of clouds absorbing the yellow sunlight and glowing itself..

Hmm they were together the whole day..the sun and the clouds..May be the clouds now waving hands to the sun for he is going to his other world...Oh he is working in shifts all over the world na, Don't this guy wanna sleep for sometime..

horizon in sunsets scenery photographs from kerala trivandrum"Oh Cloud Friends give Me a Hand...Am Sinking Down!!"

Looks like the sun asking for help as he is sinking down in the horizon..oh will the clouds help..They may be willing but are helpless no....

The Photographs are done in landscape mode. For the digital camera is not an SLR or such high end one the photographer cant try with the focus and aperture settings much, which may otherwise have given more depth for the image...Am grateful to my brother for he has tried his best with his six mega pixel digital camera..

clouds in sunset glowing golden in setting sunlight,photograph of sunset scenery from kerala trivandrum"Oh are they crying.No No it would have rained then.but they are not so happy i think.."

Seems the clouds are watching the sun's departure sadly...Hmm they are losing their glowing friend for a long night...Oh may be saying goodnight and sweet dreams...and see you tomorrow..Watch the group of clouds spread over the valley beneath...Pretty enough to make a sunset gorgeous..

beautiful sunset scenery photograph from india kerala trivandrum"Oh its nearing the end...Look he is crowded round by the clouds.."

It feels like the golden globe is burst out and light is spilling all over the horizon...The yellowish cute sunset with a group of clouds soaked in the sunlight...
If you people have professional photographers in you and want to suggest some photographic tips for taking sunset photos please feel free to comment below the post..

clouds in sunset horizon photographed from kerala india"The yellow sunlight spreading out.. A more closer look.."

I suspect he has used the optical zoom a bit for taking this photo..Its not a typical clear sky sunset with the red sun in the horizon but you can see the sun surrounded by the clouds and spreading the light all over.

sunset afterglow in the horizon sky photograph"Hmm looks Soo Peaceful and beautiful, with that perfect calm blend of colours"

The sky after the sunset.A post sunset horizon photograph.Watch the clouds have left and the sky is somewhat empty and is coloured gorgeously..

afterglow sunset photograph of the horizon from kerala india"Looks Like a Fine Oil Painting of the evening sky"

The photos are taken with digital camera Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX01..Its a six megapixel digital camera with 3x optical zoom. The photographs are resized to 800*600 with a lower quality and posted here..Hmm its same with all the photos here in pixelshots. If you want the actual photo of anything here you can mail to the contact us mailid given at the right side..

The photographer is Nithin Thomas a final year b tech mechanical branch student of Mar Basalios Engineering College Trivandrum/Kerala/India..hmm he is my cousin brother..

If anyone want to share some photographic tips with a sunset photography please do as comments..You can comment your opinions and advises.......Wish we can meet again soon......Till then Take Care..
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  1. Absolutely beautiful photography. You have a very artistic eye.

  2. sunset photographs of horizon are always nice..depends on how lucky the day turns out to be colorful..

  3. i really admire those clouds.. i loves to watch those clouds moving sitting alone in a sunset..


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