Neelakurinjys,Kerala's Rare Flower Species in Munnar Rajamala.Munnar hill station photos

Lets take some more breath from the misty fresh air of Munnar..The Photos of misty mountains again, in some more flavours. It seems the mountains are smoking continuously.. You may watch the green distant view of tea plantations over these mountain slopes.. No wonder why the British people made this heavenly place as one of their favorite places to live when they ruled India..

neelakurinjy flowers,neelakurinjys from munnar,violet neelakurinjy flower photographs from keralas hottest tourist destination munnar,moonar photos"A snap of the violet group of flower beauties.The neelakurinjy flower groups in Munnar Hills."

Photo by: Sreerag
Camera: Sony Ericsson w810i(2mp)
Focus Mode: Auto

Mountain mist- Munnar Hill Staion- Kerala

mist in munnar,mountain valleys getting covered in mist,moonar hill station photos,landscape photograph from munnar showing mist moving over mountains of munnar hillstation kerala"The Broken Pieces Of Mist Over The Valley Beneath.Misty mountain-ranges of Munnar hill station"

This sight of the valley is the mercy of wind, for he is the controlling power in charge of moving the cover of mist and the scene of greenish mountain slopes beneath are so gorgeous.Perfectly cut and arranged vegetation over the hills which gives the greenery.

Photo by: Sreerag(2mp)
Camera: Sony Ericsson w810i
Focus Mode: Auto

Mountain Slope Covered in Violet Flowers of Neelakurinjy-Munnar Photo

neelakurinjy flower photos,keralas rarest flowers,seasonal flower,rarest flower species in kerala which blooms once in 12 years"Again the Violet Group of neelakurinjies,Rarest seasonal flowers of Kerala"

Snap from the walking lanes through the Rajamala mountains in Munnar...

Photo by: Sreerag(2mp)
Camera: Sony Ericsson w810i
Focus Mode: Auto

Rising Mountain Mist- Munnar Hill station Photos- Kerala

munnar-misty-hills,munnar-photos,photos from munnar rajamala,beautiful scenery from munnar kerala showing dense mist raising up between the hills from the valley"The rising group of mist" Mist in Munnar hills.

Hey guys we are now standing with the clouds! Some times at a position higher than them....Naturally we had to look up to see these white pieces ...Now we have to look down...

Photo by: Sreerag
Camera: Sony Ericsson w810i(2mp)
Focus Mode: Auto

Neelakurinjy flowers in Rajamala- Moonar Hills-Kerala

neelakurinjy violet flower photograph,kerala-flower-photos,mountain-covered-in-violet-flowers,flower only seen in rajamala of munnar  kerala"Neelakurinjis Again.."Seasonal violet flowers of Kerala which blooms only once in 12 years.

Do you think the people in the photo are walking in between the plants?.hmm Nobody will dare to do that..If they tried to walk in between or pluck the flowers, will have to pay heavy fines. They are through the walking lane up there.The photo is taken from a road beneath.

Photo by: Sreerag
Camera: Sony Ericsson w810i(2mp)
Focus Mode: Auto

Curvy Mountain Roads- Munnar Rajamala Photos

munnar-rajamala-walking-roads,mountain-roads-munnar,rajamala-photos-moonar,mountain hairpin road photograph in munnar rajamala covered in mist"From a Place Near To The Starting Point in Rajamala-Munnar.The Curvy Road Up to the hills of moonar."

Photo by: Sreerag
Camera: Sony Ericsson w810i(2mp)
Focus Mode: Auto

More Photos on munnar in the following links

Cu soon .....

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  1. Wow.. thanks a lot for sharing neelakurinji photos, during my visit to munnar, i too have that luck to see neelakurinji, at that time only i cam to know they bloom once in 12 years..


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