Shankupushpam/Shakupushpi White Medicinal Flowers, Clitoria Ternatea Medicinal uses, Ayurvedic Herb of Kerala

Shankupushpam White flowers photographed from Kerala. A herbaceous plant and flower with immense medicinal effects. A tropical plant which grows as perennials or vines with other plants and trees. The butterfly pea plants are used as ornamental plants in some parts of Asia. The plant grows well in tropical climate with a moderate drained neutral soil. Being a member of the pea family the plant has the soil nitrogen fixing capability.The flowers and plants, mainly plant roots are more important in curing diseases than just ornamental plants or food dye.
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The pure white flower of Shangupushpam or butterfly pea.Dried flowers of blue pea or butterfly pea are sold commercially in some parts of Asia mainly to be used as food dyes.  As seen in some websites a kilogram of dried flowers of these Butterfly peas costs around $13.5. The pea like fruits of this plant are edible when tender.

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Unlike the blue flower of butterfly pea, these white flowers have only a very little light yellow coloring within the flower core.These white flowers have an extra medicinal effect than the blue flowers.

Medicinal effects of Clitoria Ternatea flowers and plant.
  •  Methanolic root extract of blue peas have shown effects of anxiolytic, antidepressant, anti stress properties while tested in animals. Root extract is found to have Tannins, resins, Starch, Taraxerol & Taraxerone
  • Root extracts of Clitoria Tenatea are capable to cure whooping cough if taken orally.
  • The white flower extract is used to cure goiter.
  • The root extracts of Shangupushpam is used in Indian Ayurveda fom ancient times.
  • Root extracts are used to treat mental disorders, and stress.used for mental rejuvenation and stimulation.
  • Shangupushpam herb roots are found useful to improve memory and intellectual power, increase sleep etc
  • The herb is antipyretic.Blue pea flowers can be used to arrest uterine hemorrhage. 
  • The herb root is antidote to poisonous insect bites. Used during cobra bites.
  • Drug from this herbal plant is used in treating ulcer, dysentery, lymph node enlargement, nervous debility, syphilis, and scrofula.
  • Ethanolic extract from this herb reduces total serum cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids, and nonesterfied fatty-acid.
 Coming with more garden plants, flowers and aquarium fishes
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  1. Cool! I never knew about this before, This is very useful. Wish I stumbled your site before. Thanks a lot for this valuable information.


  2. Please gave me your phone number. I need shankhpuspi seed.

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