Saint Alphonsa's Home in Kudamaloor/Kottayam/Kerala

Home of St Alphonsa, some photographs taken during a visit through the Christian pilgrim centers in Kottayam district of  Kerala state. The sister's home is now a museum where her belongings and the small house holds are preserved. Apart from that clay 3D pictures showing St Alponsa's major events in life are also depicted..  

St Alphonsa the first woman and the second one among Roman Catholics who got raised to sainthood from India, and the first saint from Kerala . Here is where she born, a small home in the remote village named Kudamaloor of  District Kottayam, as the fourth little child of  Muttathupadath Ouseph and Mariyam.

 St Alphonsa's home is now a christian pilgrim centre. People keep coming here even though the place is much remote. They have the faith that she is now an intermediator to God, and the fact is accepted worldwide by giving her Sainthood.

sister St alphonsa home at kudamaloor-kottayam-kerala,first woman saint home,christian pilgrimage places,home chappel
St Alphonsa's Birth Place- Home of Alphonsamma

The actual home have undergone some reconstruction work, and is like a nalukettu now, but with very few number of small rooms. a small inside corridor surrounds the home. The life and major events in the Saint's life is pictorially shown inside the museum.

 alphonsamma home at kudamaloor-kerala,St alphonsa native house,Sister Alphonsa house,pilgrimage museum
Sister Alphonsa's home at Kudamaloor/ kottayam
View from the small garden infront of the home.
 small chappel near St alphonsamma home
The small Chappel built recently in the premises of  St Alphonsa's Home.
This is a small church where you can pray and give offerings. Their is small parish buildings around, from where you may get the 5 Rupee Coin in the name of St Alphonsa which is introduced by the Government as a respect to the Saint.
 front view of St alphonsas home at kottayam,nalukettu depiction,small nalukettu,alphonseum
From the Church courtyard. 
A place where once a girl lived, she lived keeping her always near to God, one who longed for a spiritual life than this worldly happiness,  and one who lead a life of much sufferings and diseases, now raised as a saint, St Alphonsa, the first woman saint from India.

The tomb of St Alphonsa is in Bharangyanam  which is about 40 Kms from here Kudamaloor. Near to this place St Alphonsa's home church, The St Mary's Ferona Church is there, where the saint has undergone baptism.

Photographs taken with a Nokia cell phone camera of 2megapixels. More photos from the inside of the house will be here soon..

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