Meenkara River Dam,Gayathri River dam Irrigation Projects in Palakkad district , Kerala State

Dams of Kerala photos and some Information. This time Meenkara dam in Palakkad district of Kerala, which is built in the river Meenkara a tributary of Bharathapuzha river. Meenkara dam is termed under Gayathri river projects which has a group of tributaries and irrigation Dams. River Gayathri is a group of 5 tributary rivers to Bharathapuzha like Vandazhipuzha, Mangalam puzha, Meenkara Puzha, Ayalur Puzha and Chulliyar.

There are more river dams in these tributaries like Mangalam Dam, Chulliyar dam etc which are mainly dams built up for Irrigation of crops in Palakkad district, a place having heavy Paddy cultivation relative to other districts. The whole group of rivers is termed as Gayathri Puzha which flows through places of Nanmara, Alathur, Wadakkancherry, Kollengode, Pazhayannur and joints into Bharatha Puzha or Nila at Mayannur. Rivers of Gayathri orginates from Anamudy hills the highest point of Western Ghats mountain ranges.

Meenkara Dam- Palakkad District- Kerala
meenkara-dam-scenic-photos,irrigation-dam-projects-of-kerala-state-palakkad-district,dams and rivers in palaghad kerala,palakkad-rivers-and-dams,kerala-dams
The calm lake of the dam on a cloudy day.Thickly filled with rain forest which is a peculiarity of Western Ghats along with those mountains standing like Guards for the river, the place is one of the most scenic Dam site Kerala State presently has.

Clear& pure mountain River lake formed in the catchment area of Meenkara Dam
Meenkara Dam Lake, a scenic lake surrounded by rain forests and mountains in the catchment area of the Meenkara irrigation dam project. Peoples around does fishing in this lake for living needs. The water from this dam is mainly used for Irrigation purpose through a large network of canal system spreading out through the whole palakkad district. The canals are also fed with water from other hydro irrigation dams.

Mountains of the western Ghats surrounded in Clouds- A snap from Meenkara Dam
A small country canoe or vallom cutting through the calm waters of the Dam. Meenkara dam is built in the year 1960 and is one of the dams in Gayathri River dam Projects.  The other dam in Gayathri project is Chulliyar dam across river Chulliyar.The project was sanctioned by 1956 and opened for irrigation by 1960 with a network of canal system for an area of 10930 hectors in the Chittur taluk of Palaghat. 

Canals and Dams  for irrigation and Hydro Electricity is built across all the major rivers in the district and still some of them is in progress like the ones in kanjirapuzha and chitturpuzha.  Their are other dams across the sub tributaries of the gayathri rivers like Pothundi dam in  tributaries of Ayalur river and Mangalam dam in tributary of Mangalam river Cherukunnapuzha.  

You should visit this place for the scenic natural beauty in and around this dam with gardens and fish ponds. Once being in the district of palakkad of Kerala, you can't miss these dams and the high ranges like Nelliyampathy high ranges which are all major attractive tourist spots in Kerala state.

Photos by Amit Druvan, CWRDM Calicut.
Thanks to Sreerag AS, CWRDM Calicut.  

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