Ripe Mulberry Fruits Photos & Facts | Kerala Fruits

Some Fruit talk again. Now with a bunch of  mulberry fruits. Hope you may like tasting some ripe mulberries now, oh don't want to taste ripe fruits, ok then my collection has semi ripen ones too.. or you wana have a bite on the raw green berries, the mulberries. Then i have to say Coming Sooon..

The mulberry fruit photographs i have got here is of the black mulberries, ie the mulberry fruit will turn black or dark purple colord when got ripened..Their are mainly two other species of white and red mulberries. The white one being native of  China, whereas the red fruit comes from America.
The berry, Mulberry fruit. Got some extra greenery, the Sunlight, huh..
The fruit turns its colour first to pink, then light red, getting darker and darker and finally you may watch them as perfect black lush juicy fruits. Oh you may know.. But do you know what you see above is not a single fruit!. Yea it's not single but a collection of small fruits.. In detail below...
What about saying it as a Hairy fruit.. Nah may say hairy bubbly fruits.
Is the mulberry seeming ripe, not much i think, i says so for i tasted it and it was more sour to sweet. Thought should have given a little more time..

The photos here are just the part of an experiment, experimenting the macro photographic capabilities of Cannon Powershot A530. And the experiment continues in the coming postings.. 
Red bubbly fruit, Mulberry
Watch out the blackened red bubbles, that's where all the sweetness is.Shall give time to turn the red fruit to a black one.
Another macro mode photo of the mulberry fruit.
About ten to sixteen species of mulberry trees ie the morus plants, are found. their are many hybridization too.These black mulberries are grown mainly for their fruits whereas the white mulberry trees are ones are for their fruits as well as leaves. wondering why Leaves!, to feed those silk producers, the Silk Worms..

Mulberry Fruits can be eaten like any other fruit and is used in jams, puddings, wines and also as dried fruit etc.Ripe fruits contain citric and malic acids and about 9 percent sugar. Usually mulberries are not a single fruit as we see but a collection of fruts, ie a collective fruit.

The bases of the flower after pollination starts swelling and forms a collection of juicy bubbles filled with juices and ripens in matter of time unlike the other fruits. Mulberries can't be identified on species type by considering the fruit colour, but the taste tells something.

White mulberries are much sweeter than others but lacks the tartness, where as the black mulberry fruits keeps a balance between tartness and sweetness making them perfect for flavoring. Black fruits are also a little bigger and juicier. the red ones tastes almost similar to the black fruits.
The fruit photography continues, hope to meet here soon..

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  1. once it was der in my's so gud in taste.

  2. hey dude. the pic looks like a bug :P haha!
    smiled back btw :)

    BeN'Z ver 6.09

  3. where can i buy this plant? in kerala?
    what do i ask for? most people don't know when i ask for mulberry...any malayalam translation.kindly let me know :

  4. I have a Canon 530 and my macro shots look blurry. Any suggestions?

  5. @ Mary Liz

    taking macro photos without getting blurred all depends on factors like,

    sufficiency of light on the subject

    locking the focus right on the subject

    efficiency of the camera to differentiate color of the subject being photographed and background colours

    and last but not at all least, a steady hand still the photograph is saved completely in your camera memory.

    as your camera canon 530 is considered i will say its nice as it's having a manual focus mode where you can take advantage for macro snaps.

    move the camera lens as near as the minimum focal length of your camera and start trying focusing the subject by pressing the button half down till the subject is clearly focused.

    now you can move the camera slightly for adjusting the angles without releasing the focus lock.

    as the subject got focused and the angle is right for your shot take the snap and keep your hands much steady till the snap is saved complete.

    you can keep your hands closely pressed to your body if you feel it's shaking. taking long breaths also helps if situation demands much steady hands and you can't get a steady hand.

    wishing you happy macros


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