The encounter, Allen meeting his Comrade for life, Endal the Labrador, Part 2

 No man would've got a lovely comrade like this ever. Allan and Endal, they were just waiting for something special to happen in their lives. Obviously it was their encounter . 

You may like to see the first posting on Endal and Allen before reading this. The parts of the stories published here are from the Book,  "Endal: How One Extraordinary Dog Brought a Family Back from the Brink" written by Allen Parton and Sandra Parton, as mailed to pixelshots by Allen.

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Hey Allen,  what would you like to read, Encyclopedia?, hope this one will do. 
Endal pcking a book from the shelf for Allen.

The Encounter, Endal Meeting Allen for first time.

One day, in the summer of I997, Allen's usual bus for his day centre failed to turn up. Sandra told him in no uncertain terms, that she wasn't prepared to have him moping around the house. He would have to go to the CPI centre with her. Although he didn't see it then, Fate had just stepped in. Allen's life was about to change in as almost a dramatic way as his accident. But as he sat in the training centre that morning, in his wheelchair parked in the corner of the room, refusing to speak or join in, Allen didn't realise this. Instead, he would rebuff anyone who tried to ask him a question, by telling them to talk to his wife. He felt horribly self-conscious and it was easy to see why. Not only was he unable to speak clearly but his body was continually twitching. He refused to make eye contact with anyone but was very self-conscious and uncomfortable.

Not far away from his chair, sat a group of puppies, resting in between training sessions. One of them, happened to be Endal. ‘ He started looking at Allen and as he did so, Allen glanced back,’ said Nina who is constantly observing dogs and thinking about the applicants to see if they might fit. " Endal then looked up again and seemed to say ‘ Mmm, I quite like you’ and then Allen put his hand down to give him a pat. Immediately, Endal leaped up on Allen’s lap and gave a big slobbery grin. Allen smiled as though to say ,‘ This dog really likes me !’. Then, almost without knowing why he was doing it, Allen began to rub Endal under his jacket. It so happens that Endal LOVES being rubbed at exactly that spot. He looked up at Allen as if to say ‘ You are my man!’ "

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How about some Cereals for the Breakfast!. 
Endal Shopping some packeted foods in supermarket.

It was nothing short of a miracle; a dramatic turning point which both Allen and Endal had needed so badly in their lives. And it sent, says Nina, a tingle down her spine. As Allen left the centre that day, there was a certain sparkle in his eyes, which hadn't been there for a very long time. He could hardly wait until the next week when Endal was coming back to the centre with his puppy walker. Allen made sure that he was there too and over the next few weeks, Endal made a beeline for him as soon as he came in through the door. The two would sit next to each other and Endal would reach out and touch him with his paw. As Nina point out, until he met Allen, Endal hadn’t been anything special. It was the combination of his character with Allen’s that made the winning ticket. Two parts really are greater than the whole.

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A very sweet present for the Sweet Special Lab. 
Endal at the counter with Allen.

Just as Endal had helped Judith through her bereavement so, it seemed that Endal wanted to now help Allen. Even so, it wouldn’t have been right for Nina to have suggested that Allen and Endal were partnered immediately. She had to wait until Allen applied for a dog himself.

It took just one  week for the assessment procedures and paperwork to go through.' I had to fill in a form, describing my disabilities and this was the first time I had admitted there was something wrong with me,' recalls Allen. 'It was a cathartic experience, which finally gave me the hope I needed. Until I met him, I was in the depths of despair. But when he refused to leave my side in that training centre, I suddenly saw a chink of light. Endal had found me and wasn’t going to let me go. He was living proof that angels don’t just come on two legs.’

Endal: How One Extraordinary Dog Brought a Family Back from the Brink

Amazing deeds of Endal is yet to come,
hope we meet here again.
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