Dangling Garden Worm, Plant Eater Worm Dangling down using silk Web

The garden worms dangling down the garden plants using its silky string of web. I found him in my home garden just after a rain. May be the rain and the wind have thrown him down from the plant top.  Still he made a stay wire huh. May be returning back upto the plant top after some dangling exercises..
The worm in garden, holding onto his web and swaying in the wind. He's a suspect. The suspected garden Plant Eater in my violet flower plant. The plant buds new leaves and he eats. i think the plant is afraid to bud anymore now!.  anyway not gonna sue him for the damages he made.

The tiny Worm Ring. Heya buddy i don't want your ring, just don't eat the leaf and flower buds. you can have the old leaves. Hmm wat you say, old leaves are not Yummy!.  

Just some insect macro snaps from the home garden. Camera uses is cannon Powershot. I think any garden here in kerala will have presence of worms like these. Their were another type of worms which were so fond of dahlia leaves when i had some flowering plants of dahlia in the garden
I haven't seen a silkworm that feeds on the mulberry leaves. I don't think these are silk worms, but these ones also produces the silky strings from their rear end. Anyway not an expert web maker like a spidey. Also can't move that fast through the web string as a spider does. Alike any other worms or caterpillars these ones are also an active plant eater.
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  1. nice macro shot from a point and shoot camera. i think can't get the worm better than this from a starter basic digital camera.

  2. I saw this worm today but it was protected in a little make-shift covering. It was dangling and pretty cool. I'd really like to know what it is.


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